Model: SolidSpe-3700 DUV
Manufacturer: Shimadzu
Area: MiNaLab Clean Room

Technology Description:

The Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory at the University of Oslo (UiO MiNaLab) is equipped with a Shimadzu SolidSpec-3700 DUV with an integrating sphere. It is suitable for transmission, reflection, and scattering measurements of thin films. The sample size should be 5 mm × 5 mm or larger. The system is a double beam spectrometer, using a reference beam to avoid inaccuracies in the measurement from variable light intensity.


Total light transmission.

Specular and diffuse reflection. Performed at a 5º angle.

Diffuse reflection.

Technical Information:

Wavelength range: 185 – 2500 nm.

Spectral resolution: 0.1 nm. Data collection intervals between 0.01 – 5 nm (1 nm commonly used).

Light sources:

  • Deuterium lamp (185 – 285 nm)
  • Tungsten lamp (285 – 2500 nm).

Double beam instrument: Reference beam corrects for fluctuations in, e.g., the light source intensity or detector response, over time.

Detectors to cover the whole range from UV to NIR in the same scan: 

  • Photomultiplier (PM), 185 – 870 nm.
  • InGaAs, 870 – 1650 nm.
  • PbS, 1650 – 2500 nm.

Automatic dark correction: spectrometer automatically corrects measurements in the NIR to account for blackbody radiation from the instrument.





Vegard Rønning

Senior Engineer

UiO MiNaLab

Background In material science and nanotechnology from UiO.
Experience with design and operation of vacuum and cryogenic systems for electrical and optical characterization. 3D modeling and CAD.
Responsible for the laser cutter, atomic layer deposition and 3D printer at UiO MiNaLab.

+47 228 52 840 / +47 473 74 173