Model: EM4 HGA
Manufacturer: Lake Shore
Area: MiNaLab Hall room

Material Class:

Conductive and partially conductive solids

Technology Description:

Hall effect measurements are employed to study the details of conduction in semiconductors and other materials. Such electronic properties include the sheet resistance, doping type/prevailing carrier type, carrier concentration, carrier mobility and the effect of a magnetic field.

Technical Information:

Type: LakeShore 7604

Magnetic fields: 1.3 / 1.0 T (room temperature / variable temperatures)

Temperature range: 20-350K

Carrier concentration density: 1×106 cm3 to 1×1019 cm-3

Mobility: 1 to 1×105 cm2/Vs

Sample size: up to 60×60 mm2 (room temperature only) or up to 10×14 mm2 for variable temperatures.

Sample mounting: Requires soldering of contacts.



Vegard Rønning

Senior Engineer

UiO MiNaLab

Background In material science and nanotechnology from UiO.
Experience with design and operation of vacuum and cryogenic systems for electrical and optical characterization. 3D modeling and CAD.
Responsible for the laser cutter, atomic layer deposition and 3D printer at UiO MiNaLab.

+47 228 52 840 / +47 473 74 173