Model: Probe II
Manufacturer: PWS (Pacific Western System Inc.)
Area: G2-33 Cleanroom

The semi-automatic probe tester, PWS Probe II, has a motorized chuch for x-y motion and theta rotation stepwise or continuous. The microscope has a zoom in possibility and large movement possibility in the z direction (focus). The probe station may be equipped with probe-cards or until four Suss Microtech PH100 probers for  x-y-z adjustment. The platform is also adjustable in z-direction.  For IV measurements, a 2 channel power supply, Keithley 2602, is used.


PII Specifications:

  • Stage Travel:  (6.8 in. X) (10.5 in. Y)
  • Theta Rotation:  +/- 7.5 degrees
  • Chuck Planarization:  +/- .0005 inches
  • Stage Accuracy:  +/- .00025 inches
  • Stage Resolution:  .0001 inch
  • Scanning Speed*:  5 inches/second.
  • Repeatability:  +/- .05 mils.


Thomas Marthinsen

Lab Engineer


Chemical and biological methods
Dry etch
Thermal processes
Thin film deposition

+47 93254743