Instrument model: |
Custom made analysis chamber by SPECS and Polyteknik |
Technology Description: |
The Flextrua cluster growth tool at the Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory at the University of Oslo (UiO MiNaLab) is connected to an analysis chamber for advanced sample characterization. A plethora of concomitant surface science techniques are available that utilise a variety of photon sources, a state-of-the-art hemispherical electron analyser and low energy electron diffraction optics. The UPS/ARPES system can resolve the integrated density of states and momentum resolved electronic structure. |
Technical Information: |
System manipulator: Motorised sample manipulator accommodating up to 20 samples with max dimensions of 10x10x1 mm samples. Smaller surface area samples can be measured down to 3×3 mm. UPS analysis on all samples pockets possible, while only the central pocked is possible for ARPES. Low vacuum: 5×10-7 – 5×10-10 mBar base pressure. Source: UVS 10/35 ultraviolet helium discharge lamp for 21.2 eV and 40.8 eV photons. Analyser: PHOIBOS 150 hemisphere electron analyser and 2D CCD detector with real space and angle resolving lens modes. UPS resolution: 0.1 eV. Lateral resolution: 0.01 mm. |