Model: KM3-AR
Manufacturer: Jandel
Area: MiNaLab Clean Room

Material Class:

Conductive solids

Technology Description:


4-point probes method is an electrical impedance measuring technique that uses separate pairs of current-carrying and voltage-sensing electrodes to make  an accurate measurement of the sample resistivity. 4-point probes are also used to measure sheet resistance of thin films.

Technical Information:

Type:Jandel KM3-AR

Current range: DC 10nA – 99mA

Voltage range: 0.1 – 1500mV (Low), 1µV – 150mV (High)



Viktor Bobal

Senior Engineer

UiO MiNaLab

Responsible for the ion beam techniques as UiO MiNaLab, as well as the thermal processes. In addition tool responsible on multiple tools.

+47 90713892