NorFabs Vision
Our vision is to be a robust and competent consortium supporting and enabling research and innovation within micro-and nanotechnology (MNT) in Norway. Our infrastructure is available for both academic and industrial R&D as well as pilot line production.
We are here to help you reach your goals faster.
NorFab provides a wide variety of micro- and nanotechnology fabrication and characterisation services, as well as education and training to users from academia and customers from industry.
NorFab builds competence and provides access to processing and technology vital to both basic and applied research. We maintain an internationally competitive infrastructure for development and pilot fabrication for the emerging micro- and nanosystems industry in Norway.
NorFabs overarching mission is to help our users succeed and to support public policy within MNT.
NorFab improves the quality of the MNT research output by:
- Providing access to state-of-the-art laboratories for Norwegian researchers, independent of their academic, institute or company affiliation
- Promoting collaboration on a national level
- Fostering a robust national competence in MNT, which will enhance the portfolio of international project collaborations
NorFab increases the volume of MNT research by:
- Providing access for projects/pre-projects to state-of-the-art research equipment for academic researchers with limited funding
- Cost-effective and optimal use of the investment in cleanroom laboratories and advanced scientific equipment, served by highly competent staff
- Providing access to cleanroom-based techniques for an extended user base, which will serve to foster cross-disciplinary research
NorFab enhances innovation in MNT by:
- Education and training of candidates with competence demanded by industry
- Fostering innovative research groups with the ability to transfer ideas to industry
- Offering access to state-of-the-art infrastructure for industry.
NorFab reduces the cost of public investment in MNT by:
- Investment coordination and national distribution of core competence areas, reducing duplication of high capex investments
- Focus on high capacity utilisation
- Staying updated and implementing international best practice in cleanroom management
- Providing access to instruments and processes not currently available in Norway through our nordic & international networks
- Developing documentation to convert implicit knowledge to explicit, reproducible results
The leadergroup of NorFab:
Peter Köllensperger (NTNU NanoLab)
Erik Poppe (SINTEF MiNaLab)
Vegard Skiftestad Olsen (UiO MiNaLab)
Ole Henrik Gusland (USN MST-Lab)
The board of NorFab:
Magnus Rønning (NTNU)
Fabrice Lapique (SINTEF MiNaLab)
Susanne F. Viefers (UiO)
Marius Tannum (USN)
International advisory board:
Jørg Hübner (DTU NanoLab)
Thomas Swahn (Myfab)
Heini Saloniemi (VTT Micronova)